What are you looking for?

If you don’t know what you are looking for you are never going to find it.

Conversely, if you know what you are looking for then you are definitely going to find it.

Have you ever been in a situation where as soon as you become acquainted with a thing, for example a car, you begin to see the exact make everywhere you go. You can suddenly make it out of many other cars in traffic.

This happens not because the car, in the case of this example, has not always been there but because your mind has just become aware of its existence. You have subconsciously instructed your mind that it is important to you. Obviously, if we noticed everyone and every single thing we’d be going insane.

The point here (I’m sure you are starting to wonder what it is) is that we can harness this ability of the mind. How? you might ask. By focusing only on the things we want to achieve.

They say ‘if you do not know where you are going, every bus-stop will be a destination’ (the quote isn’t exact but you get the idea). Like a great photographer (hence the picture, look up if you missed it the first time), who handles his lens very well, we can capture the exact picture of what we want while ‘blurring’ everything else.

We can either continue to go around in circles or we can clearly define our goals and focus our energies on them. Everything else is noise.

As you focus, you will begin to find the right people and resources required to achieve your goal.

When you ask the right questions you are bound to get the right answers.

Published by Ochman

Nice to meet you. I am passionate about seeing personal growth and development in others. As a firm believer in the full exploitation of individual gifts and talents, I share my thoughts and observations from everyday encounters with others to spur them up to great heights.

5 thoughts on “What are you looking for?

  1. Great read. I like to view focus with this acrostic. Follow One Course Until Successful.
    We neglect every distraction and give attention to what we really want to achieve.
    Good one


    1. ‘Follow One Course Until Successful’ ! Great acrostic. it will take discipline to neglect distractions but the results in the end, or during the process will show. Thanks for stopping by.


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