
How to Increase Your Value

  "The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn." - Alvin Toffler. Increasing your value is tied to what you have to offer which is your value proposition. Your value proposition determines the measure of your compensation. People will only part with their money when theyContinue reading "How to Increase Your Value"


3 Ways to discover your purpose

Everyone is born with this question hanging over them and some never find out the answer sadly. It does not matter what your age is, it is never to late to discover what your purpose in life is. For some, purpose is easily identified and for others it may take a number of years and failed attempts before they find the elusive answer.


When time stood still…

Time and how to effectively manage it is probably the most talked on subject in business and personal development circles. The reason being that we are all allotted the same amount (at least in a day irrespective of different time zones in different parts of the world) but the results of its use are widelyContinue reading "When time stood still…"

3 things which will get you ahead in 2019

Every year presents a new opportunity for a fresh start. Get ahead of the year and position yourself for success by doing the following. 1.Set goals early. The only way progress can be measured is if goals are set. Get a pen and paper and get to work. I suggest you make goals in theContinue reading "3 things which will get you ahead in 2019"

Take that leap of faith

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step" - Lao Tzu We can give 1001 reasons why we cannot, for example; Start that journey Write that book, Start that fitness program Start that business Relocate Love somebody or Break that bad habit. All our excuses could seem plausible. Are they really? I think thatContinue reading "Take that leap of faith"

It’s okay if you fall…

It's not okay if you remain there... I remember a time when I beat myself up whenever I made a mistake or did something wrong. I would remain bitter for hours even days. This led to me being constantly on my toes, meticulously crossing every 'T' and dotting every 'I'. I felt even worse ifContinue reading "It’s okay if you fall…"

Perspective is everything

A problem is only as big as our minds make it to be. Large objects like mountains or even the heavenly bodies (stars, sun, moon, planets) look minuscule to the viewer standing at a distance or on earth. With the proper light, a small object can cast a gigantic shadow and seem very intimidating. IrrespectiveContinue reading "Perspective is everything"

how I stopped looking to others for approval and why you also should stop

I could begin by giving reasons why I felt the need for the approval of others. The reasons will include my childhood being the youngest of many children and constantly being told what and what not to do. Or I could mention my social need to be noticed and acknowledged which has now be digitizedContinue reading "how I stopped looking to others for approval and why you also should stop"

Forgive? Not me…

We all have had the experience of being hurt by someone. It hurts even more when the perpetrators are loved ones. We experience some form of indignation, betrayal, anger and the overwhelming nudge to retaliate. We react in different ways when we are hurt by those closest to us. Some withdraw, bearing a grudge andContinue reading "Forgive? Not me…"

Different, is good.

Image credit: Sports Illustrated Michael Phelps is the most decorated olympian of all time with 28 medals and 23 of them in gold. His success has been attributed to many things including his anatomy. According to Scientific America (SA), "Phelps’s arms extend 80 inches (203 centimeters) tip to tip, and his body measures in at 76Continue reading "Different, is good."

What is holding you back?

While thinking about my next inspirational post, my thought process was interrupted by the singing of my 3-year old toddler and just then I caught inspiration on what to write. We came into this world without fears, inhibitions or limitations. Over the course of our lives we begin to acquire these for the reason of,Continue reading "What is holding you back?"

I can and I will…

“Every sustained change in a man’s life begins with a change of lifestyle” Jacob had struggled all his life. Everything he had acquired involved some form of subterfuge. Again and again he conned his way to get what he wanted. The course of his life seemed to be controlled by his name; Trickster. Could heContinue reading "I can and I will…"

How do you inspire yourself?

The only images that can be produced are those which are captured. In other, less cryptic words, your reality depends on what you see. Worlds, countries, houses, architectural masterpieces, sculptures, fine artwork all originate from a single thought in the mind of the creator. But this 'single thought' comes from somewhere. In a way, oneContinue reading "How do you inspire yourself?"